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Unicorn 5k (South)

Sat August 2, 2025 Highlands Ranch, CO 80130 US Directions

Race Day Raffle


Want to win some cool stuff including 3W Races vouchers, gift cards, and gear from our sponsors?  Bring 5 or more items to donate to Backpack Society on race day and you'll be entered into the exclusive race day raffle!! Drop off items before you run at the charity table near the 3W Race's tent in the expo. After you race, view the RAFFLE board at the registration tent to see if your bib number was pulled for a prize!

​Current Needs List:
*Cereal and Granola Bars
*Peanut Butter and Jelly
*Family-Sized Box Crackers
*Canned Tuna or Chicken
*Pasta Sauce and Pasta

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